[AGENT++] MIB Explorer 1.6 beta

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Tue Oct 14 23:56:55 CEST 2003

MIB Explorer 1.6 beta is available for download
from http://www.mibexplorer.com

New features are:
* Lenient MIB compiler to compile broken MIB modules
at your own risk.
* Remote monitoring.
* 3D monitor charts.
* Running scripts on incoming traps (e.g. to send emails)

The changes since v1.5.11 are:

- Added: MIB compiler has now a lenient option that
  can be activated in Preferences/General to minimize
  syntax checking.
- Added: Remote run, stop, and deploy of monitors on
  headless MIB Explorer server.
- Added: Preferred size for monitors when running on
  a headless server.
- Added: Security policy support in order to be able
  to limit connections to/from a MIB Explorer server
  to trusted IP addresses/ports.
- Added: Scripts can now be run on notification events.
  Which script is run, can be configured be associating
  scripts with notification ID subtrees.
- Added: 3D monitors.
- Fixed: Parsing of MIB module with module.object
  references where only one of the ambigous object
  name references is imported from another MIB
- Fixed: If the last row committed by a Table View
  failed, only one of the edited columns were marked
  as uncommitted.
- Fixed: Redo did not work with partitially committed
  rows in Table View.
- Improved: Dragging a object instance from the MIB
  tree to a PDU will now preserve its syntax (type)
  even if the corresponding OBJECT-TYPE definition is
  not loaded.
- Improved: Error message when encountered a
  duplicate import source.
- Improved: MIB file editor search dialog.
- Improved: Error message when encounterd a
  invalid ordered sequence construct.
- Improved: MIB table now also supports "trying" to
  set read-only values by checking the "Ignore MAX-ACCESS
  read-only" option in the SNMP preferences.
- Fixed: Several flaws in the documentation.

Frank Fock

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