[AGENT++] Setting COmmunity String?

Mr. AWD mrawd at excite.com
Thu Aug 5 00:43:10 CEST 2004

He there!

I am trying to add dynamically a Community String to the agent at the start time, so it could be different then the default “public” one. I have a few questions regarding this task:
1. I see that snmpCommunityEntry object gets created in the main() but I fail to see where that “public” string is set. There is a member function snmp_community_mib->add_public(), but nobody is making a call to it. Is that the correct behavior or what?
2. Constructor of the snmp_community_mib objects adds snmpCommunityEntry objects which creates all of the necessary objects for it (Community Name , Community Security Name, Engine ID, Context Name, Tag Value, and Storage Type), so my guess is that I would need to create my own snmpCommunityEntry object and initialize it with the new Community String value. Is this the right approach or I am off the right path?



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