[AGENT++] Building Agent++ using BCC 5.0 in windows 2000

Vinoth vinoth at isoftel.com
Fri Feb 27 08:46:05 CET 2004

Hi all,

    I tried to build agent++ using bcc 5.0, in windows 2000 Professional.

    I downloaded the following files from www.agentpp.com

    1) agent++v3.5.16.tar
    2) snmp++v3.2.10a.tar
    3) libdes-l-4.01.tar

    I was able to build libdes.lib, using Borland C++ 5.0 IDE.

    Then I tried to build snmp++, using the makefile - Makefile.bcc

    I got the following errors,

        1) file config.h was not found.
                - I changed the include file name as config_snmp_pp.h

        2) then, I got the error on preprocessor directive #warning, so I
comment out // #warning

        3) Next, I got the error

Error address.cpp 825: Call to undefined function 'inet_aton' in function
*** 1 errors in Compile ***

        - I commented out the following line in config_snmp_pp.h

// We have inet_aton() function if not compiling with VC++
#ifndef _MSC_VER
// #define HAVE_INET_ATON

    4) we I tried again, I get the following compile error

Error uxsnmp.cpp 1828: Two operands must evaluate to the same type in
function Snmp::broadcast_discovery(SnmpCollection<UdpAddress> &,const
int,const UdpAddress &,const snmp_version,const OctetStr *)
Error uxsnmp.cpp 1829: Could not find a match for
'SnmpMessage::load(Pdu,undefined,const snmp_version)' in function
Snmp::broadcast_discovery(SnmpCollection<UdpAddress> &,const int,const
UdpAddress &,const snmp_version,const OctetStr *)

    Can anyone advice me on what could be the problem?

    I need agent++ library in borland c++, for our application compiled
using borland c++.

Please help me to solve the compilation errors..



"The greats are famous for their failures, the ordinary for their

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