[AGENT++] Max SNMP message size

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Mon May 24 21:13:51 CEST 2004


> 1. MAXLENGTH_BUFFER is used at many places to define all buffers
> including those for names (which may atmost require only [255] bytes)
> etc. Why then is the macro MAXLENGTH_BUFFER, defined as the
> MAX_SNMP_PACKET? This takes up a lot of space on stack.

just send me your suggested patch and I will verify it and include it in 
the next release.

> 2. My application runs both on solaris Ultra60 and windows X86, with
> a minimum memory of 256MB. What are the recommended and safe values

Could anyone who increased one of these defines write something about 
his/her reasons?

> 3. Is there a general relation formula that you have observed, that
> if PDU_MAX_VBS = 'n', then MAX_SNMP_PACKET has to be in the minimum,
> 'x' bytes?

I don't think, that a "general" formula exists, but you could do a walk 
on every agent you can access and calculate the average lengths needed 
for encoding oid and value.


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