[AGENT++] Getting agent++ to build under Mac OS X

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Sat Jun 18 01:12:39 CEST 2005


> Apple has changed the gcc tool-chain enough to bamboozle the building,
> in particular linking is fairly different to other unixes.  I've had a
> quick play around with it and have made some progress, however I'm not
> particularly familiar with the OS X development environment and was
> hoping someone else out there  had agent++ working on this platform
> already.

did anyone answer to this mail? I tried with Mac OS X on PearPC. I
remember that the socket calls did not compile, but before I could solve
it, PearPC did no longer start the image...

What errors do you get? If you have patches, we could add them to the
next release.


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