[AGENT++] SNMP++ Implementation of Address Types

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Sat Jun 18 01:12:37 CEST 2005


> The special CopyCtors of Address types replicate a lot of code and
> initialize attributes from
> 3 classes in the Class Inheritance chain: ${My}Address, Address,
> SnmpSyntax.

some of this duplicate code cannot be avoided:
IpAddress::IpAddress(const IpAddress& other) can be called wit a
UdpAddress, so this constructor has to set smival.syntax to

> 3. Attribute output_buffer should be moved to generic Address base

IpAddress and UdpAddress have their own output_buffer, so doing all in
Address constructor won't be possible.

I'll see if something can be simplified.


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