Pierre Pacchioni ppacch at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 14 08:37:31 CET 2005


We made a SNMP agent using Agent++ a while ago.
In theory this agent is able to "understand" V1, V2 and V3 SNMP protocol.
We made a lot of tests with SNMP v1 and v2 clients without any problem (clients
inside the snmp++/consoleExamples directory: snmpWalkThread, snmpGet and so on
or with High level managers like Micromuse or HPOV)
Now we would like to test with SNMPv3 (our lib/exe are compiled with the
_SNMPv3 variable on) 
In order to do that I just launched the 
snmp++/consoleExamples/snmpWalkThread with the following options: 

./snmpWalkThread host/port -v3 -sl1 (SecurityLevel = No Authentication
And I got the following error:
(0): SNMP=+ snmpWalk Error, SNMP: Cannot perform operation, Authorization error

Of course it doesn't work with 2 or 3: Unsupported SecurityLevel which is make
sense since we haven't done anything special regarding security.

We didn't make anything special regarding our agent.cpp main file.
We noted a lot of extra code for SNMPv3 (a snmpv3_boot_counter file is
created), plus a few groups, accessEntry , view are added.
So the question is: what do we have to do in order to contact our agent using
SNMPv3, first without "security" and with security (in the future)?

Platform: HPUX 11.i
Compilor: aCC
Agent++ 3.5.14
snmp++  3.2.9
libdes 1.4.1

Thanks for your help,

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