[AGENT++] persistent storage for UsmUserTable in usmMIB

Samuel Lokshin slokshin at avtec.com
Thu Oct 20 21:55:48 CEST 2005

Please help!

I have a question regarding persistent storage.
I am using agentX++v1.4.13 on Linux box.
I was able to compile example (master).
When I run master, the file usmMIB is created in config directory  
but it is only 2 bytes (0x30, 0)

I thought that code below will save user info in the usmMIB file.

     UsmUserTable *uut = new UsmUserTable(); 
     uut->addNewRow("unsecureUser", SNMPv3_usmNoAuthProtocol, SNMPv3_usmNoPrivProtocol, "", ""); 
     uut->addNewRow("MD5", SNMPv3_usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, SNMPv3_usmNoPrivProtocol, "MD5UserAuthPassword", "");
     mib.add(new usm_mib(uut)); 

But it is not.
Why UsmUserTable info is not saved in the file usmMIB?
What I did wrong? (I want to store the user information that I add programmatically persistently)
What I have to do to store the user information that I add programmatically persistently?

Thank you.


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