[AGENT++] Crash in multi-threaded SNMP++ use (usm_v3.cpp:1262)

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Tue Mar 14 21:53:46 CET 2006


> Are there other cases in the latest versions of agent++/snmp++ where
> such a work around should be in place?  Are they documented anywhere (I
> googled but didn't come up with anything)?

after looking (and currently fixing this issue) I can say that users are
not removed safely, or more precise: other threads can use already
deleted data of removed users.

So you're safe, if you only add new users.

Also I saw that my suggested workaround does not help for the case where
 a message is procecced while the user is removed.

We don't have a list of known bugs/issues, as following this list should
show all issues since the last release.

Nevertheless daily snapshots of snmp++ and agent++ will soon be
available, so a look at the snapshot CHANGES file will show all issues.


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