[AGENT++] question about UserSecurityTable and USM

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Thu Nov 2 21:44:59 CET 2006

Dario maljur schrieb:
> What is the difference in:
> USM *usm = v3mp->get->usm();
> Usm->add_usm_user(.);
> And
> userSecurityTable->addNewRow(.);
> as I can see they both add users, in that logic, it turn out that I can add
> same user in 2 different places.

Yes, USM from snmp++ has add_usm_user() and add_localized_user() and
UsmUserTable from agent++ has two addNewRow() functions. If users are
added to USM, UsmUserTable is informed through a callback. [And here I
found a bug: If users are removed from USM, the UsmUserTable is not
informed :-( Should be fixed for the next release] The UsmUserTable
informes USM about added/removed users.

A manager with snmp++ can only use the USM functions and in an agent the
agent++ UsmUserTable should be used.


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