Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Tue Nov 21 22:40:29 CET 2006


> After a long chase through the source code of agent++ and snmp++, and
> adding
> a bunch of LOGs to help debug what was going on, I finally got it working.
> I think the problem was that snmpmsg.cpp was not being recompiled with my
> make -f Makefile.linux from within snmp++/src.  After adding some LOGs to
> that file, it forced it to get recompiled and then it started working
> right.  Now I do a make clean -f Makefile.linux whenever changing a define!

what make version are you using and on what file system are your files?
The Makefile has a rule that defines that each .cpp file depends on all
header files, so changing one header should result in a complete rebuild.


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