[AGENT++] Select()/FD_SETSIZE issues in the Agent++ implementation

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Tue Dec 4 23:47:49 CET 2007


the agent++ code already can be compiled with HAVE_POLL_SYSCALL and will
then use poll instead of select. I did not mention it in the changes
file, as the changes for snmp++ are not finished yet. I hope to get it
finished this month.


Razvan Cojocaru schrieb:
> Hello, a while back I've signaled a potential problem with select()
> usage in your code (for file descriptors above 1024), and if I recall
> correctly, you've said that a switch to poll() will follow in the future.
> I've read the change logs for SNMP++ and Agent++ but I couldn't find any
> relevant information on the matter. Do you have some estimate about that
> might get done, or has it been done already and I've missed the signal :-)?

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