[AGENT++] Dynamic Table update: help needed

Nilanjan Sarkar nilanjans at condornetworks.com
Tue Jul 3 15:19:00 CEST 2007

Hi Friends,

I am facing a problem to use "MibTable::update(Request*)" method, to
update the current value of a particular cell(Row+Column) of our Table.

What we observe, that "update(Request*)" method is called for each cell
of a table,(or for each subrequest).

20070703.18:07:13: 10855: (3)EVENT  : RequestList: finished subrequest
(ind)(oid)(val)(syn): (0), (, (./testmain),
20070703.18:07:13: 10855: (3)EVENT  : RequestList: finished subrequest
(ind)(oid)(val)(syn): (0), (, (10861), (66)
20070703.18:07:13: 10855: (3)EVENT  : RequestList: finished subrequest
(ind)(oid)(val)(syn): (0), (, (1), (66)

1) oid ( is for cell name "pname", which is
of type OctetStr()
2) oid ( is for cell name "pid", which is of
type Gauge32().
3) oid ( is for cell name "pstatus", which is
of type Gauge32().

Now my question is that, is there anyway to get indication for a
particular cell obj "get_request(Request* req, int ind)" method when
"update" method is called, so that we can write our code inside each
cell get_request(), to modify the current value of the object.

If not, then can you please guide me how to update each cell's current
value from "update(Request*)". Is there any sample code for this? One
example I saw, in "agent.cpp", but that is mainly to add new row into a
table, not updating the value of an existing cell.

Thanks in advance.

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