Anurag Jain anuragjain026 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 8 17:11:11 CET 2007

We are using  version SNMP++v3.2.21a of snmp++ .
We are seeing the following error "Unknown PDU handlers" (SNMPv3_MP_UNKNOWN_PDU_HANDLERS) returned from the snmp++ on get and walk methods with SNMPv3.
 If we turn the threading down, to a single thread i.e access only one snmpv3 agent , the error never appears. It also seems to happen more often as we increase the number of threads i.e access more than one snmpv3 agent concurrently. Hence we are suspecting some form of a threading issue where the response PDU may be getting compromised.
Note : The frequency is low ( 1 out of 50 messages or so with 5 threads running),  all running SNMPv3 i.e it is an intermittent problem .
Has anyone seen this issue before and is there a fix ?  I am also trying run a trace with snmp++ debuggnig enabled and see if this a a problem with the v3 agent.
Please suggest ways to debug and fix this issue ?
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