[AGENT++] New Releases: SNMP4J 1.9.1c, SNMP4J-Agent 1.2 beta, AgenPro 2.7, MIB Explorer 2.2.1

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Fri Apr 4 00:51:59 CEST 2008

SNMP4J 1.9.1c, SNMP4J-Agent 1.2 beta, and MIB Explorer 2.2.1
have been released and can be downloaded from
http://www.snmp4j.org and http://www.mibexplorer.com

SNMP4J 1.9.1c contains a couple of bug fixes and now allows
to specify OIDs with ASCII strings (see change log for details).

SNMP4J-Agent 1.2 beta adds Property IO support to allow agent
configuration by a property file (see PropertyIOInput) and
the AgentConfigManager replaces the BaseAgent concept with
better usage of the inversion of control pattern.
The 1.2 version also fixes USM user serialization to retain
user configuration across agent shutdown.

AgenPro 2.7 adds support for using REFERENCE clauses for
SNMP4J-Agent to simplify generic instrumentations. In addition,
a Modules.java class is generated by the SNMP4J-Agent 1.2
templates that initializes/registers the generated MIB modules.

MIB Explorer 2.2.1 adds 3DES privacy, (auto-)filter support
for table view, support for SNMP4J snapshot files, and XML
support for monitor configuration and data.


CHANGES SNMP4J v1.9.1c SINCE v1.8.2:

* Fixed: Missing PDUv1.clone() which could lead to wrong
   SNMPv1 trap PDU encoding.
* Fixed: Possible deadlock race condition when processing
   sync requests with retry > 0.
* Improved: Pending async requests will be removed after
   timeout even if the response listener did not call
* Fixed: TableUtils did not return all rows if request
   PDUs had to be splitted because of too much columns.

* Fixed: Transport not copied in Snmp.PendingRequest
   which could cause wrong transport usage when processing

* Fixed: Async request processing for broadcasts (regression
   bug in 1.9.1 which prevented mutliple responses for a
   single async request).

* Improved: OID parsing from string now supports embedded
   string to OID conversion, for example the following OIDs
   are equal:
     a = new OID("'hal.'.'''.'lo'.1");
     b = new OID("");
* Improved: Added factory pattern for creating PDU for
   incoming messages parsed by message processing models.
* Fixed: Null LogLevel returned by JavaLogAdapter.getLogLevel.
* Fixed: With async request processing and retry>0 there
   could have been a race condition where a response event
   had been generated twice for a request.
* Fixed: ArgumentParser option multi parameter support
   which failed to parse options like "-option param1 param2"
* Changed: MessageDispatcherImpl can now be used to register
   more than one transport mapping per address class (UDP/TCP).
   Nevertheless, only the first registered one will be used
   for sending SNMP messages if no specific transport mapping
   is given.
* Improved: Target is cloned when used internally by Snmp
   instance to avoid errors through concurrent target usage.

* Improved: PDU.add(VariableBinding) no longer clones
   VariableBindings while adding it if the contained variable
   is dynamic. Instead VariableBinding.setVariable clones
   the set variable always as well the oid set by setOid(OID).
* Improved: Added factories for thread and timer instances
   configurable through SNMP4JSettings class.
* Improved: Created interfaces for ThreadPool (WorkerPool)
   and thread of execution (WorkerTask) as well as Timer
   (CommonTimer) for better Java EE intergration.
* Added: ArgumentParser for simple command line parsing.
* Fixed: Local engine ID could not be set for simple PDU
   request for the command line tool.

* Fixed: Walk modus of console example.
* Added: -Ocs and -Ods to create and dump subtree
   snapshot files.

* Fixed: LogFactory.getLogFactory() returned null if
   log factory has not been initialized yet. Now
   a new instance of LogFactory is returned instead.
* Fixed: Typo in Snmp JavaDoc (getPdu() -> getPDU()).
* Added: Hook-up method in DefaultTCPTransportMapping
   to allow setting socket options by extending the
   class and overwriting the setSocketOptions method.
* Added: TripleDES-EDE privacy protocol implementation.
* Changed: SecurityProtocol interface to allow dynamic
   key extension.
* Fixed: Race condition in DefaultTCPTransportMapping.

SNMP4J-Agent 1.2 since SNMP4J-Agent 1.1.4:

* Fixed: Direct usage of table model for row creation and
   removal has been replaced by calling the corresponding
   table methods for better object orientation.
* Fixed: MOScalar did return noSuchObject on a GET request
   on the scalar without instance identifier instead
* Added: UpdateStrategy and UpdatableManagedObject have
   been added to allow centralized controlled updating
   of dynamic managed objects (like DefaultMOTable)
* Improved: Design of org.snmp4j.agent.io components.
* Added: AgentConfigManager for IoC agent configuration
   which replaces BaseAgent. The latter is deprecated now.
* Changed: MOServer interface.
* Added: BITS support for Enumerated[Scalar] classes.
* Added: USM user table persistency support.
* Changed: Made MOScalar.getAccess() public.
* Improved: TextAndIncr event generation.
* Changed: Access to public for MOScalar.getAccess()
* Added: Session update for AgentConfigurator.

AgenPro 2.7 since AgenPro 2.6.2a:

- Improved: Additional command line options to generate
   code without repository and custom config file in batch
- Improved: SNMP4J-Agent 1.2 templates that generate also
   the glue code to integrate the generated code into an
- Fixed: "x" can now be used as DESCRIPTION text.
- Added: Checks for consistent DISPLAY-HINT usage
   in conjunction with TC SYNTAX.
- Fixed: COMPLIANCE-MODULE checks regarding imported
   object groups and objects when used within current
   module compliance definitions.
- Changed: Relaxed OBJECT IDENTIFIER assignment checks
   to allow such assignments below object registrations.
- Fixed: Possible corruption of the MIB repository by
   duplicate module IDs.
- Improved: MIB sorting for module compilation in
   command line mode.
- Added: SNMP4J-Agent code generation property "package"
   to generate code for a specific Java package.
- Added: SNMP4J-Agent code generation properties
   "useReference" and "reference" to use/override the
   content of a MIB objects REFERENCE clause in code
   generation to support the generation of generic
   instrumentation mappings.
- Added: SNMP4J-Agent 1.2 templates and project generate
   a Modules.java file to easily integrate generated MIB
   modules into an agent.
- Improved: MIB repository verification and auto repair
   when a new MIB repository is selected.

MIB Explorer 2.2.1 since 2.1.3a:

* Fixed: "x" can now be used as DESCRIPTION text.
* Added: Checks for consistent DISPLAY-HINT usage
   in conjunction with TC SYNTAX.
* Fixed: COMPLIANCE-MODULE checks regarding imported
   object groups and objects when used within current
   module compliance definitions.
* Changed: Relaxed OBJECT IDENTIFIER assignment checks
   to allow such assignments below object registrations.
* Fixed: Possible corruption of the MIB repository by
   duplicate module IDs.
* Improved: MIB repository verification and auto repair
   when a new MIB repository is selected.
* Updated: IETF MIB modules.
* Fixed: Packets BER tree displayed an error around the
   enterprise OID of SNMPv1 trap PDUs although the PDU
   was correct.
* Fixed: Table and grid panel did not return all rows
   on sparse tables when requests had to be splitted
   because of too much columns.

* Added: Reading of SNMP4J snapshot files (which contain
   no MIB information in contrast to MIB Explorer Pro
   snapshot files).
* Added: Open and Save monitor files (including data) to
* Added: Backup history files for the monitor auto save
   function. Now up to 99 (rolled) backup files can be saved
   automatically while a monitor is running.
* Added: Experimental 3DES privacy support.
* Added: 3DES and AES key privacy change support.
* Added: Auto-filter (filtering by values of a table column)
   and filtering by regular expressions for table view.
* Improved: Index values for enumeration are displayed
   now with label information.
* Improved: Grid does not commit any unset (null) values
   to the agent.
* Fixed: Non-editable fields in user configuration in
   dependency of table sorting.
* Fixed: Editing of values could fail with "wrongType" error
   for instances without MIB information.
* Improved: Application start and response time when DNS
   service is not available or slow.
* Fixed: Table context menu was sometimes enabled even if
   there was nothing to display as table.
* Improved: Table retrieval and update for sparse tables.
* Improved: MIB tree is updated to reflect available MIB
   modules in new MIB repository when MIB repository is
   changed. Before the MIB repository change is performed
   where currently loaded MIB modules are not available,
   the user is informed and may cancel the operation.
* Fixed: AES192 privacy protocol selection/name in user


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