[AGENT++] [SNMP++]Finding V3 enabled Device

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Fri Jul 10 23:31:37 CEST 2009


> The snmpDiscover console example was tried but, even if i send the v3
> packet to the device which is only enable with v2  i get the response
> as found. Does the above requirement could be achieved with  the
> existing snmpDiscover or i need to modify this ?

I just tried with the current version. If the agent does not answer (as
it should if it does not speak v3), it is not reported as discovered.
Can you check with tcpdump/wireshark, what the device sends back?
On the other side, the broadcast_discovery() function does not check
anything on the received packet. So even if some device answers with a
DNS response, it is added to the address collection.

If you want to be sure, that the device can speak v3, you have to use
the engine_id_discovery() function and check if you can get a engine id
with v3MP::get_from_engine_id_table().

But be aware, that there is no requirement for an agent to answer
requests sent to a broadcast address.


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