[AGENT++] How to use ProxyForwarder to forward requests to external snmp-daemon or another oid?

Jens Rehsack rehsack at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 27 10:12:45 CEST 2010

2010/10/27 Frank Fock <fock at agentpp.com>:
> Hi Jens,
> On 26.10.2010 19:09, Jens Rehsack wrote:
>> Hi,
>> while writing smart-snmpd we have to make a decision: implement some
>> currently used
>> netsnmp ucd-mibs or use the ProxyForwarder?
> I would recommend using AgentX (AgentX++ master + net-snmp subagent).
> With that, you can seamless migrate MIB modules into your
> smart-snmpd.

I'm talking about 4 or 5 values from the UC Davis MIB - not more.
Developing and integrating an AgentX for that is overkill ;)

All AgentX modules will be plugged in as external commands
using a pipe and update the agent's data in a separate thread.

>> I personally would prefer the ProxyForwarder - but I couldn't figure
>> out how to set it up
>> which requests shall be forwarded to
>> a) another oid, and
>> b) an external (2nd) snmpd on the same host but another port
> The ProxyForwarder (as defined by the RFC3413) cannot
> be used because it forwards all requests to another agent
> based on a community or context engine ID.

We need it for SNMPv2c requests (but the Agent runs as
SNMPv3 Agent). This would mean, we can only forward all
or nothing.

> You cannot forward by a subtree OID.
> Although AGENT++ provides also forwarding by OID (subtree)
> I would not recommend it, AgentX provides a better
> integration regarding performance and flexibility.

That would be the easiest implementation for us - performance isn't
a problem for those 5 values. It would be nice to know how to do
that (or better: where to read how to do).

> Best regards,
> Frank

Best regards,

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