[AGENT++] Display object name instead of OID

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Mon Mar 11 23:22:26 CET 2013


You can use AgenPro or MIB Explorer Pro (http://www.mibexplorer.com)
to generate an oid-to-object-name mapping.
Unless you want to create a generic application, it is the best way to
generate the mapping at compile time.
If you really need it at runtime, you will have to integrate a MIB parser.

Best regards,

Am 11.03.2013 20:22, schrieb James Nguyen:
> Hi,
> I'm able to compile and run codes in consoleExamples.  Is there a way to
> configure SNMP tools to display object names (e.g., ifIndex.2) instead of
> the long OID (e.g.,

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