[AGENT++] Problem in sending snmp V3 inform when using cloned new user.

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Fri Oct 23 21:33:42 CEST 2015


> I created a new user say “clonedUser” by cloning from an already
> existing user.

after this step, the UsmUserTable together with UsmUserTableStatus
should call USM::add_localized_user() to add the user with the
configured name and engineId. Did you set the row to "active"?

> Now, when I tried to send snmp V3 inform to my remote receiver, the snmpV3
> informs were not working.

Please verify that your steps of cloning the user are triggering the
call to USM::add_localized_user() with the desired settings.

> 1)Auto discovery happens and remote receiver’s engine id say
> “remoteEngineId” is learnt.

Yes, this is needed once.

> A)     Firstly, In UsmUserTable, an entry with “combination of security
>  name (clonedUser) and remote receiver’s engine id (remoteEngineId)” is
> checked.

And this entry should be found here, so the following steps should not
be needed.

> After successful auto discovery, a new entry is not added with learnt
> remote engine id automatically to usmUserTable as mentioned in step2.

This entry cannot be added, as the password of that user to create the
localized key is not known.

> Is
> there a mechanism to add the new entry automatically to the usmUserTable in
> this scenario? How to make snmpV3 inform to work for the cloned user?

First the cloning above should work. It is also possible to "Add a new
user to the usmUserNameTable." using the USM::add_usm_user() function.
Then the USM can add localized users if needed.


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