[MIB Designer] help on a LAN MIB design

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Wed Sep 26 00:30:41 CEST 2007

Hello Michele,

dallo at telefin.it wrote:
> Where could I get information (books, ...) which could help me to design
> such a unique MIB? One of the related problem is the following:

"Understanding SNMP MIBs" by David Perkins is the best
I know.

> each device, once it has been configured on the above mentioned
> application, is easily walked and the related data saved to the DB. But
> how for instance
> to represent the mib-2 into the unique MIB, for each device?

If using standard MIBs is a requirement (and that is not
bad - normally), the only way to go, is using a SNMPv3 context
for each device. If SNMPv3 (currently the only SNMP standard)
is not to be supported, then a different community can be used
for each device too.

If you can design a fresh MIB set for your device set,
then you should use a table centric approach where the
first index of each table is a "device index".

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

> Thank you very much for the answers.
> Best regards.
> Michele Dall'O'
> Telefin SpA
> Verona, Italy
> ++39 045 8100404
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