[SNMP4J] snmp4j and timer threads.

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Mon Dec 12 18:51:57 CET 2005


Why do you create a Snmp instance for each Target? One instance
would be enough and also one TransportMapping would be sufficient

Best regards,

koen.janssens at alcatel.be wrote:

>we have an applictation that creates a lot fo SNMP session to a lot of 
>different SNMP agents. It see that each SNMP session one timer object, is 
>created, with an associated thread. 
>In our situation, this leads to about 500 timer threads being created. We 
>already implemented a custom transportmapping to keep the amount of 
>threads low, but this timer thread is not configurable. 
>I suggest you provide an SNMP constructor that takes Timer as an input 
>argument, so we can share one time object (and hence also timer thread) 
>for all our sessions. 
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