[SNMP4J] SNMPv3 problem

torm at torm.be torm at torm.be
Tue Dec 27 10:03:20 CET 2005

Hello dear members of SNMP4j mailing list,

First, I want to wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy new year 2006.

Now, I come to see you because I’ve a problem. Since 3 month now, I’ve started
to make a SNMP Resources adapter (Specification JCA 1.5 (J2EE 1.4)). I’ve
divided my work in 2 parts, first is the manager part (get/set/getnext,
getbulk/walk request), and the second part is the asynchronous receive of

I’m proud to say that the 2 part works! 
 but not together. I mean, the 2 parts
are using the same JVM, and the I’ve a problem with SNMPv3 USM.
I’ve seen that there is a static class, Security Model, witch seems to contains
USM data. My problem is that I cannot have 2 instance of this class in the same
JVM. When I deploy my listener, I created a security model, and then I’m able to
retrieve trap and informs. But, when I make a new request, the security model of
the listener is override and I’m not able to receive traps/informs.

I’ve identify the problem, it seems that I haven’t the problem if I withdraw the
line “SecurityModels.getInstance().addSecurityModel(usm); “
But in this case, my listener has to be started or I get a null pointer when I
make a snmp.getUSM() (when I try to make a request)

I’ve search many times, trying to find a solution, but I’m desperate.

If anyone can help me, plz, don’t keep the answer for you 

Thx for the help.


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