[SNMP4J] TableUtil and PDUFactory - too many PDUs

chk-world at gmx.de chk-world at gmx.de
Thu Jan 13 11:52:21 CET 2005


using the TableUtil class and implementing a PDUFactory I checked how many
PDUs are created. I thought the number of PDUs (and so the number of
packages send to the agent) would increase or decrease depending on the set
of setMaxNumColumnsPerPDU and setMaxNumRowsPerPDU for the TableUtil class.

I pass two OIDs which describe two columns (following each other) of the
same table. I have 72 entrys in the table. There are allways 73 PDUs created
and send (I checked with ethereal) no matter whether I set
setMaxNumColumnsPerPDU and setMaxNumRowsPerPDU to 2 or 100.

Someone having an idea?

Thanks in advance,

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