[SNMP4J] My Hello World app !!!

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Tue Jun 14 21:11:02 CEST 2005

Hello Murali,

Yes, a null response indicates a timeout. Please note
that the hello world example you quoted uses the
deprecated Snmp.sendPDU method. Please use
Snmp.send instead for new development.

Best regards,

Muralidharan Narayanan wrote:

>Hello Jaimes:
>I used your HelloWorldSNMP.java application on my windows XP machine but I
>am getting the following errors. Do you or anybody else who have tried this
>know why it is happening.
>ONe thing I can see is that the response PDU is null and that is why I am
>exceptions are thrown as shown below. Does that mean there is no agent
>daemon running on my PC?

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