[SNMP4J] (no subject)

Angel Angelov angel at sayrix.com
Wed Nov 9 18:17:04 CET 2005

Hi Guys,
I'm new to this list.
At first I want to thank you for the great snmp library. :-)

I have some problems implementing the CommandResponder interface.
When I receive GET/GETNEXT PDU, I create a RESPONSE PDU.
I set the to the response pdu the same request id as the request pdu by:

Some times this source code sends back a request id different from the incoming request id!
Here is an example:
GET request ID  -> 0x87c63fd7
RESPONSE request ID -> 0x3f9119cf
I cached the data by sniffing my udp packets on the network.

And as you know, if the request id's are not matching, the agent ignore them....

Do somebody have a suggestion for a work around for the problem?


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