[SNMP4J] Cannot retrieve the information from SNMP Host

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Mon Nov 21 09:03:25 CET 2005

Hi Chris,

OIDs are specified without a leading dot! The notation you used is
a non-standard way from NET-SNMP to specify OIDs.

Best regards,

Chris Kam wrote:

>Hi all,
> I am very new to SNMP4J and I want to use JAVA to help me getting the disk
>space of each servers (over 70) each morning. You know it's hard to get
>those information by checking if from the local console one by one. I did
>read some reference and wrote a program as below, but I cannot get what i
>want. Can canone help me to see what should I change and what's wrong with
>it. I have no idea on my program after read all the materials that I can
>search on the net. Thanks a lot.
> Chris Kam
> P.S. I can read the source text file sucessfully and get the correct ip
>address, just donno what happened with the codes that related to SNMP4J.
>import java.io.*;
>import java.lang.*;
>import java.util.*;
>import java.net.*;
>import org.snmp4j.*;
>import org.snmp4j.smi.*;
>import org.snmp4j.transport.*;
>import org.snmp4j.security.*;
>import org.snmp4j.event.*;
>import org.snmp4j.log.*;
>import org.snmp4j.mp.*;
>public class diskspacechecker
>//Variable Declaration
>public static String community;
>public static BufferedReader inputstream;
>public static FileReader instream;
>public static BufferedWriter outputstream;
>public static FileWriter outstream;
>public static boolean fileexist = true;
>public static String[] source;
>public static String[][] inputinfo;
>public static String[][] outputinfo;
>public static int no_of_servers;
>//protected org.snmp4j.snmp msnmp = null;
>protected String obj_identifier_oid = ".";
>protected String display_string_oid = ".";
>protected String storage_size_oid = ".";
>protected String storage_used_oid = ".";
>public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
>//Ask for the SNMP community string for connection use.
>System.out.print("Please enter the community string: ");
>community = EasyIn.getString();
>System.out.println("Your community string is " + community);
>//Open the source file of server list. (serverlist.txt in csv format)
>File serverlist = new File("serverlist.txt");
>instream = new FileReader(serverlist);
>inputstream = new BufferedReader(instream);
>String line = inputstream.readLine();
>while(line != null)
>line = inputstream.readLine();
>catch (FileNotFoundException e)
>System.out.println("The source file serverlist.txt does not exist, please
>source = new String[no_of_servers];
>inputinfo = new String[no_of_servers][2];
>outputinfo = new String[no_of_servers][4];
>if (no_of_servers>0)
>File serverlist = new File("serverlist.txt");
>instream = new FileReader(serverlist);
>inputstream = new BufferedReader(instream);
>for(int i = 0; i < no_of_servers; i++)
>source[i] = inputstream.readLine();
>System.out.println("The source file serverlist.txt does not contain any
>information, please check.");
>//Prepare input info for disk space information retrieval.
>int comma_pos = 0;
>for(int i = 0; i < no_of_servers; i++)
>for(int j = 0; j < source[i].length(); j++)
>if (source[i].charAt(j) == ',')
>comma_pos = j;
>inputinfo[i][0] = source[i].substring(0,comma_pos);
>inputinfo[i][1] = source[i].substring(comma_pos+1, source[i].length());
>CommunityTarget target = new CommunityTarget();
>for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
>Address targetAddress = GenericAddress.parse("udp:" + inputinfo[i][1] +
>TransportMapping transport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping();
>Snmp snmp = new Snmp(transport);
>MPv3 mpv3 = (MPv3)snmp.getMessageProcessingModel(MessageProcessingModel.MPv3
>USM usm = new USM(SecurityProtocols.getInstance(), new OctetString(
>mpv3.createLocalEngineID()), 0);
>System.out.println("Before Set Community.");
>target.setCommunity(new OctetString(community));
>PDU pdu = new PDU();
>pdu.add(new VariableBinding(new OID(".")));
>ResponseListener listener = new ResponseListener()
>public void onResponse(ResponseEvent e)
>((Snmp) e.getSource()).cancel(e.getRequest(), this);
>System.out.println("Recieved response PDU is: " + e.getResponse());
>SNMP4J mailing list
>SNMP4J at agentpp.org


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