[SNMP4J] Swing Table visualisation tool

Matthias Wiesmann matthias.wiesmann at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 09:33:09 CEST 2005

Hello everybody,

In order to help in the development of the agent I'm working on using
SNMP4J-agent, I have written some small utility classes to help
debugging tables.

What this basically means is that you can have the content of an
agent's table displayed in a Swing table. The display updates when the
table is updated, and you can do simple modifications via the GUI
(basically changing values). The code is not very sophisticated, but I
hope this can be useful for other persons.

An archive with the code can be found here:


Basically, it works by implementing a Swing table model that registers
itself with the MOTable object for notifications.

If you have comments or questions, please contact me.

Matthias Wiesmann

P.S One feature I really would wish for snmp4j would be better
conversion methods to canonical java types. In particular it would be
nice if all numerical subclasses of Variable would implement the
Number interface..

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