[SNMP4J] Swing Table visualisation tool

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Mon Oct 17 21:22:13 CEST 2005

Hello Matthias,

I will have look at your tool the next days, but I could not
resist to comment on your suggestion about implementing
the Number interface. I had the same idea, but had to
recognize then, that Number is not an interface! It's an
abstract class. So there is no way to sub-class (implement

I think adding a Variant class that converts from/to SMI
values from Java native objects is the best way to go,
what do you think?

Best regards,

Matthias Wiesmann wrote:

>Hello everybody,
>In order to help in the development of the agent I'm working on using
>SNMP4J-agent, I have written some small utility classes to help
>debugging tables.
>What this basically means is that you can have the content of an
>agent's table displayed in a Swing table. The display updates when the
>table is updated, and you can do simple modifications via the GUI
>(basically changing values). The code is not very sophisticated, but I
>hope this can be useful for other persons.
>An archive with the code can be found here:
>Basically, it works by implementing a Swing table model that registers
>itself with the MOTable object for notifications.
>If you have comments or questions, please contact me.
>Matthias Wiesmann
>P.S One feature I really would wish for snmp4j would be better
>conversion methods to canonical java types. In particular it would be
>nice if all numerical subclasses of Variable would implement the
>Number interface..
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