[SNMP4J] Regarding the SNMP tool

Keary Parinis kpc7335e at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 20 13:59:22 CEST 2005

SNMP4J is a Java API that you can plug into your own code.  The SNMP4J examples and documentation can provide some specific functions you would like to accomplish.  It sounds like what you are asking for goes beyond SNMP4J.  You need to define the requirements of this SNMP Manager and Agent application.  I recommend you read Orielly's SNMP book.  It will provide you with some concepts to utilizing SNMP without the specifics.  I hope this helps.

travi <travi at consultesoft.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I am new to SNMP4J. I don't know how to utilize this tool . I want to plug in my own codes> So please can anyone give a step by step tip of how this can be achieved. I want this to develop my own manager and agent. 

Thanks and Regards
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Keary Parinis
Network Operations NCO
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APO AP 96205
Work: DSN 724-6364
Home: 02-3785-3250
Cell: 019-834-0921
kpc7335e at yahoo.com

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