[SNMP4J] SNMP V3 Authentication, JMX and JAAS question

James_Peterson at sybase.com James_Peterson at sybase.com
Tue Jan 10 03:27:43 CET 2006

Would it be bad to decrypt the AuthenticationKey  and
send it and the SecurityName on to JAAS?

We are integrating the Agent as a Model Bean in a JMX Server.
Our JMX server uses JAAS for authentication and in turn
we have native NT and Unix PAM Authentication modules 
we wrote.  If the user was not found in the Usm we would forward
the Authorization request to JAAS. If authentication succeeds we 
would add the UsmUser to the Usm.

We would then use the Usm Authentication (AuthGeneric) as designed
for subsequent requests from the same user.

Does this sound reasonable or have just broken the rules for
SNMP Authentication?

James (Jim) Peterson
Sybase, Inc.
Staff Architect II
jimpete at sybase.com

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