[SNMP4J] Released: SNM4J 1.8RC1 & SNMP4J-Agent 1.1RC1 & SNMP4J-AgentX beta2

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Mon Jan 8 01:10:33 CET 2007

Dear SNMP4J Users,

SNMP4J v1.8RC1 has been released and can be downloaded from

The new release uses a different synchronization scheme to associate
requests with responses in the Snmp class. This new scheme should
perform better than the old one.

The Variable abstract class is now an interface. That makes recompilation
of your existing sources necessary when switching to 1.8. However,
you should be still able to deserialize 1.7 or older Variables with the 1.8

SNMP4J-Agent has also been updated towards version 1.1. This is
merely a bug fix release.  Besides others, the factory support for
instrumentation has been further improved.

The new SNMP4J-AgentX beta release is a big step towards the
final 1.0 release in February. SNMP4J-AgentX is now stable working
around several bugs in the NET-SNMP AgentX implementation, so
that both can be used together. When using the SNMP4J-AgentX
master with a NET-SNMP subagent, you need to set the maxRepetitions
member of the AgentXMasterAgent to 1. Otherwise, the NET-SNMP
sub-agent goes nuts, because it seems to be unable to handle GETBULK
repetitions correctly as AgentX sub-agent.


* Changed: Variable is now an interface and the former
  abstract class implementation is now moved to
  AbstractVariable. Serialized Variables from 1.7.x
  or earliers released can be deserialized with 1.8
  because the Variable interface defines the same
  serialVersionUID as the former Variable abstract class.
* Fixed: MessageDispatcherImpl.getMessageProcessingModel
  no longer throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  when the requested model is not known.
* Added: GenericAddress constants for the default address
  types "udp", "tcp", and "ip".
* Fixed: OctetString.fromSubIndex for implied length values.
* Added: Constants for default command responder and
  notification receiver ports in SnmpConstants class.
* Added: Append constructor for OID class, to facilitate
  creating an instance OID from a class OID and an index
* Improved: DefaultTcpTransportMapping can now also
  reconnect if its connection is in state "unconnected".
* Fixed: OctetString.startsWith did not work if prefix
  length did not match the string's length.
* Added: Option (-m) to set maxMessageResponseSize for
  SNMPv3 requests in console example.
* Improved: Clarified and implemented TODOs left from
  earlier versions.
* Fixed: IllegalStateException seldom occured in a race
  condition while waiting for a sync response in
  Snmp.send(..) or when canceled an async response while
  a retry was started.
* Improved: Performance of message sending and receiving
  due to less (narrow) synchronization.
* Added: -l option to SnmpRequest console example to
  allow setting the local engine ID to avoid engine ID
* Added: -b option to set the engine boots counter for the
  console example (SnmpRequest).
* Added: TreeUtils to conveniently walk sub-trees.
* Fixed: Bug in LogLevel class causing incorrect log levels
  to be used in some cases when converting from a levels
  string representation.
* Improved: JavaLogAdapter DEBUG level from SNMP4J (Log4J)
  now maps to FINE in Java logging.
* Added: LogFactory can now be configured through the
  system property "snmp4j.LogFactory" with the factories
  class name.
* Added: LogProxy for implementing late logger binding.
* Changed: BERSerializable no longer extends Serializable.
* Added: Security check for transport not listening when
  sending confirmed PDU.


* Changed: Made necessary changes for SNMP4J 1.8.
* Changed: Made member "model" of DefaultMOTableModel protected.
* Changed: MOFactory.createTableModel now takes three
  parameters! Implementors of their own MOFactory, will
  have to change the signature of their method.
* Improved: Speeded up table walk by using caching of
  recently accessed (from the same request) rows.
* Added: DefaultMOServer.getManagedObject(..) as a
  shorcut wrapper for a special "lookup" call.
* Fixed: BaseAgent did not set NotificationOriginator to
  its CommandResponder instance.
* Improved: Implemented FilteredRowIterator.remove().
* Fixed: tooBig error is now correctly returned and GETBULK
  responses are truncated if longer than maxResponsePDUSize.
* Improved: Duplicate registration check in DefaultMOServer.
* Fixed: Modifying vacmAccessTable entries with 'any' security
  model sub-index value.
* Fixed: Reporting of authorizationError state.
* Fixed: Log levels configured in snmp4jLogLoggerTable are
  now properly restored from persistent storage (StorageType
  is also no correctly handled).
* Added: Max. timeout for incoming request is now 1 min.
  by default (see requestList member initialization of
* Added: Counter64 skipping for SNMPv1 GETNEXT request
* Fixed: Snmp4jLogMib persistency and log level restore.

RELEASE NOTES SNMP4J-AgentX (CHANGES since 1.0beta1)

* Changed: Made necessary changes for SNMP4J 1.8.
* Added: Vetoable events for master agent changes.
* Added: Master agent may be configured to accept
  only connections from loopback device.
* Fixed: Several issues regarding decoding of
  large 32bit unsigned integer values.
* Fixed: Connection loss detection and handling
  in master and subagent.
* Fixed: Dangling registration causing duplicate
  region registration errors on sub-agent reconnect.

Best regards,
Frank Fock


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