[SNMP4J] SNMP4J PDUv1 Trap setting SysUpTime throws an Exception

Rory Marquis roridge at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 9 11:16:28 CET 2007


I posed this question last year, but don't appear to have gotten a reply. 
I'd really like to know the answer if anyone knows because I am looking to 
implement a solution. Please?

I have been creating v1 Traps today, and have noticed that when I set the
sysUpTime timestamp in the PDUv1, it allows a long value as the argument but
then sets the value into a TimeTicks object, which inherits the

This becomes an issue when the server has been up for more than 248 days
(measured in TimeTicks).

I was wondering, is this an oversight, or a feature?

Code when run, throws an IllegalArgumentException:

    PDUv1 pdu = new PDUv1();
    long sysUpTime = 100*60*60*24*249;  //248 days max

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
   Argument must be an unsigned 32bit value

Thanks in advance

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