[SNMP4J] IP in Trap code

Debakanta Behera bdebakanta at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 12:52:45 CEST 2007

 Hi  everybody
Iam new to snmp......
 could anyone send the trap code witch only receive trap that are comming
from any snmp-device.
I have the trap code ,but this is not working......

*import* org.snmp4j.*;

*import* org.snmp4j.smi.*;

*import* org.snmp4j.transport.*;

*public* *class* RTrapV2 *implements* CommandResponder{

 TransportMapping transport;

 Snmp snmp;

  *public* RTrapV2(){


  transport = *new* DefaultUdpTransportMapping(*new
*UdpAddress("*thisis the IP of what? my machineIP or

  snmp = *new* Snmp(transport );

  snmp.addCommandResponder(* this*);

  System. *out*.println( "transportBinding..");


  } *catch*(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}


  *public* *synchronized* *void* processPdu(CommandResponderEvent cmdREvent)

     System.*out*.println( "----Received Response -----");

     PDU pdu=cmdREvent.getPDU();


  *public* *static* *void* main(String[] args)


  RTrapV2 trp= *new* RTrapV2();


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