[SNMP4J] Problems with send method.

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Sun Mar 25 10:54:43 CEST 2007


pontus zoladz wrote:
> To retrieve a routing table from a router is it enough to use a simple 
> GET request,
> or is it necessary to use the class 'TableUtils' ?
GET on a table works only if the command sender already knows
the indexes of all rows in the table. In case of a routing table,
this would result in knowing the whole routing - which
does not make any sense.

So you will need GETNEXT or GETBULK. TableUtils uses GETNEXT
for SNMPv1 and GETBULK for the other versions.

> Question 2
> Some classes, of which TableUtils is one, takes optional 
> user-objects/arguments of the type  Java.lang.Object. What is supposed 
> to be passed in there?

Anything or nothing. If you have no idea what to put in
there, then set it to 'null'.

Best regards,


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