[SNMP4J] Generation for Rfc1213 mib errors

dhay at lexmark.com dhay at lexmark.com
Mon Oct 22 19:34:53 CEST 2007


I just used the SNMP4J_by_selection project to compile the RFC1213 Mib. 
However, it doesn't seem to compile correctly:

It fails to find numerous constants:


It also failed to create IpNetToMediaTypeEnum enum, as "static" is a 
reserved word:

  public static final class IpNetToMediaTypeEnum {
    /* -- none of the following */
    public static final int other = 1;
    /* -- an invalidated mapping */
    public static final int invalid = 2;
    public static final int dynamic = 3;
    public static final int static = 4;

and I couldn't find NetworkAddress to import:

    public NetworkAddress getAtNetAddress() {
      return (NetworkAddress) getValue(idxAtNetAddress);
    public void setAtNetAddress(NetworkAddress newValue) {
      setValue(idxAtNetAddress, newValue);

Any ideas?



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