[SNMP4J] SNMP4J.AgentX questions

Eyal Schneider eyalsch at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 00:02:04 CET 2008


I am trying to implement a simple AgentX subagent using SNMP4J. I
encountered the following problems while trying to use shared tables.
I suspect these are bugs, but I will be happy to be proven wrong  :)

1 ) In AgentXSubagent.registerSharedTableRows(..) :
The iteration over the rows is unsafe, since the row collection may be
altered by the changeRowIndex(..) call (inside the iteration), resulting in
a ConcurrentModificationException.

2) In AgentXSubagent.registerSharedTableRows(..): it seems that the
parameters are in wrong order. The old index is expected to come first, not

3) DefaultAgentXSharedMOTable.changeRowIndex(..):
The condition "if (mutableModel.addRow(r) == null)" should have been "if (
mutableModel.addRow(r) != null)". If I understand correctly, null means that
the row has been added without replacing an existing one.

I will be happy to have any comments about these issues.
Thanks in advance,

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