[SNMP4J] Incorrect OID returned after GETBULK request

Gibbons, Sean Sean.Gibbons at trueposition.com
Tue Jun 3 12:59:03 CEST 2008

The math behind the getbulk makes sense, but in my experience a lot of
places aren't very clear as to what it means.  

A get bulk message is saying "For these first X OIDS, just run a basic
GetNext on them.  For the Y OIDS following that try to do a getnext N
times.  And if you can't do them all, or run out of space, just give me
what you can".  So your returned PDU will have a maximum of X+(Y*N)

I don't think there is a maximum number of OIDs that can be asked for,
but there are limits on how long the size (byte wise) of the message can
be.  IIRC, that's something that can be different amongst agents.  

-----Original Message-----
From: snmp4j-bounces at agentpp.org [mailto:snmp4j-bounces at agentpp.org] On
Behalf Of Anton Boronnikov
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 6:49 AM
To: snmp4j at agentpp.org
Subject: [SNMP4J] Incorrect OID returned after GETBULK request

Thanks everybody!
I spend a while trying to translate reffered RFC to clear English and
understand it..
And I found that we can ask for a set of VariableBindings in GET-PDU!!!

Wow! I thought that I need GETBULK-PDU for this.. The word "bulk" made a
spoof with me...
By the way. Is the quantity of VariableBindings in single request
limited somehow? I recognized that I can not ask for 100 VB's.. But I
succesfully get 20..

One more thing. What a strange mathematics needed in GETBULK-PDU??? I
can not get the physical meaning of this mathematics.. Why it is so
tangled and complicated?? For what aims (use cases) it is usefull? May
be somebody can give me a link to example/tutorial about it?

Excuse me that I asked this kind of questions. I see that my
understanding of snmp is very poor. And this can tease members of this
mailing list.  

Yours respectfully, Anton Boronnikov
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SNMP4J at agentpp.org

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