[SNMP4J] Interpreting table indexes in snmp4j-agent

Asya Gelfand asya at alcarmel.com
Thu Mar 6 16:09:12 CET 2008


I have a problem with interpretation of table indexes in snmp4j-agent. Here is my question. MOTabeRow object has an index that has to be OID. OID is a set of int values. But my MIB defines tables that have MacAddress as a part of their index, for example the following table:
  wmanIf2BsSsProvisionedForSfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX      WmanIf2BsSsProvisionedForSfEntry
          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
          STATUS      current
              "This table is indexed by wmanIf2BsSsProvMacAddress and
          INDEX { wmanIf2BsSsProvMacAddress, wmanIf2BsProvSfId }
          ::= { wmanIf2BsSsProvisionedForSfTable 1 }

  WmanIf2BsSsProvisionedForSfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          wmanIf2BsSsProvMacAddress               MacAddress,
          wmanIf2BsProvSfId                       Unsigned32,
          wmanIf2BsSsProvisionedForSfRowStatus    RowStatus}
How can I use snmp4j concept to conform the MIB?

Thanks in advance,

Asya Gelfand

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