[SNMP4J] DefaultMOTable into DefaultMOtable.

Jean.Bauwin at sita.aero Jean.Bauwin at sita.aero
Mon Jul 6 15:17:17 CEST 2009

I have sent anther topic about this question, but is was not clear.
I retry to explain my problem.

I try to implement a DefaultMOTable as provided to the testAgent .
And i try to insert into the last row of myDefaultMOTable another 

I don't undestand which declaration i need to use to add this table.

When i define my last row of my first DefaultMOtable, the decalaration :

columns[5] = new MOColumn(c, SMIConstants.

allows only string , int, opaque and more type.

And i want a thing as : 

columns[5] = new MOColumn(c, SMIConstants.

Thx you in advance for your help.


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