[SNMP4J] Need Help on CommandProcessor – snmp4j

DORICA MESA dorica2007 at yahoo.ca
Thu May 21 05:33:25 CEST 2009

Can anyone help me with the error am getting running the BaseAgent example from  Snmp-Agent. I am new on SNMP development. I just downloaded the example and compiled it . I am getting the errors below.
Please help me
--------------------Configuration: Testsnmp - JDK version 1.6.0_11 <Default> - <Default>--------------------
C:\Program Files\Xinox Software\JCreatorV4LE\MyProjects\Testsnmp\org\snmp4j\agent\CommandProcessor.java:124: execute(org.snmp4j.util.WorkerTask) in org.snmp4j.util.WorkerPool cannot be applied to (org.snmp4j.agent.CommandProcessor.Command)
C:\Program Files\Xinox Software\JCreatorV4LE\MyProjects\Testsnmp\org\snmp4j\agent\CommandProcessor.java:141: execute(org.snmp4j.util.WorkerTask) in org.snmp4j.util.WorkerPool cannot be applied to (org.snmp4j.agent.CommandProcessor.ProxyCommand)
C:\Program Files\Xinox Software\JCreatorV4LE\MyProjects\Testsnmp\org\snmp4j\agent\CommandProcessor.java:227: execute(org.snmp4j.util.WorkerTask) in org.snmp4j.util.WorkerPool cannot be applied to (org.snmp4j.agent.NotificationTask)

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