[SNMP4J] AuthenticationFailure notification with invalid V3 query

Vivi Zhang vzhang at anuesystems.com
Thu Oct 29 03:17:19 CET 2009


I wonder how to make a notification recipient receive an 
authenticationFailure notification when an agent received an query with 
bad user name or bad password. 
When agent receives a v2 query with bad community string, the api 
SNMPv2Mib:: incrementCounter() calls notify api and send out 
notifications.   But when the agent receives a v3 query with bad 
username,  no notification is send out.

I am using : SNMP4J is version 1.9.3c, and SNMP4JAgent is version 1.2.1d.

This is second question. According to CHANGES.txt on snmp4j site:

[2009-07-30] v1.3.1 (Requires SNMP4J v1.10.1)
* Improved: Authentication failure traps are no longer
  sent on usmNotInTimeWindow and usmUnknownEngineID

I am wondering why?  If a user has a bad username, would that cause 
usmNotInTimeWindow error since the second part of discovery requires 
user credential?



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