[SNMP4J] GETBULK return empty PDU

Hema Gupta hemagupta at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 26 01:08:59 CEST 2011

I have scenario where  if I use GETBULK and walk on a mib , I get an empty response.
While the same works correctly if I do a GET.
Both snmpbulkwalk and snmpget work correctly for that mib OID with Net-SNMP.
I am using TreeUtils to do the GETBULK. And I see that I get aone Event. But the array of variable bindings is empty.
The issue is as there is no error, I cannot tell if the query failed or passed.
I want to know why this happens with snmp4j? Is there a way to make GETBULK return the correct value?
The call returns a single value when successful.

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