[SNMP4J] Virtual table

Norberto R. de Goes Jr. norberto at cpqd.com.br
Fri Dec 14 19:08:11 CET 2012

How are you doing?
I am using the SNMP4J in my agent implementation. The agent must provide a
long size table, then i am using the virtual table instrumentation.

But i am having difficult to understand the iterative process.

For each "tailIterator" do i have to create a new instance of iterator ?
When the process starts (trigger)? When the process stops?

Please, could you help me with a example ?

Thank you very much.

Norberto R. de Goes Jr.
Tel.: +55 19 3705-4241 / Fax: +55 19 3705-6125
norberto at cpqd.com.br <sperissi at cpqd.com.br>

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