[SNMP4J] SNMP4J 2.2.0 and SNMP4J-SMI 1.0 Released

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Wed Mar 27 23:41:25 CET 2013


SNMP4J 2.2.0 and SNMP4-SMI 1.0 have been released and are available for
download from http://www.snmp4j.org/html/download.html

The new SNMP4J-SMI provides MIB support for any SNMP4J application
without the need of changing existing code. Adding a few lines of code
is all you need to do. For more details see:

With SNMP4J-SMI, you can compile MIB modules at runtime into your
application and OID values are displayed as object names, SMI variables can
be parsed from their DISPLAY-HINT representation or enumeration value
for example.

SNMP4J 2.2.0 contains several enhancements but also a major bugfix regarding
the processing of SNMPv3 reports. To ensure higher security and 
with RFC 3412 and 3414, reports will be sent back to the command generator
with the same security level as the command was received, except for a few
exceptions described in the RFCs.
By configuration the behavior of SNMP4J < 2.2.0 can be restored and also a
strategy can be chosen, that does not accept noAuthNoPriv reports at all
as command generator.

SNMP4J 2.2.0 can be used in conjunction of SNMP4J-Agent 2.0.7, 
SNMP4J-AgentX 2.1.0,
and SNMP4J-JMX 2.0.0.


* Added: Option in SNMP4Settings to allow parsing Counter64 variables in 
   which is not allowed by SNMPv1 but a common bug in many devices.
* Fixed [SFJ-69]: For the following report PDUs the securityLevel now is 
set to the same as
   in the request (which is in SNMP4J 2.1 and prior not the case):
   RFC3414 §3.2.3 Unkown engine ID.
   RFC3414 §3.2.4 Unknown security name
   RFC3414 §3.2.5 Unsupported security level
   RFC3414 §3.2.6 Wrong digest -> authentication failure
   The prior 2.2 behavior can be reactivated using 
* Fixed Javadoc title tag.
* Improved: Logging of USM time exceptions.
* Fixed: Race condition in DummyTransport.
* Added: New Constructor in VariableBinding to directly create a VB by 
parsing OID and variable from a string
   in conjunction with SNMP4J-SMI.
* Improved SMI formatting.
* Fixed issue in TreeUtils in conjunction with SNMPv1, the end event was 
not properly called back.
* Updated repository URLs in pom.xml.
* Added: setSecurityModel and setSecurityLevel in Target interface.
* Added: OIDTextFormat usage in OID class.
* Added: contextEngineID support in SnmpURI and DefaultPDUFactory.
* Fixed [SFJ-66]: Fixed lexicographic ordering check in TreeUtils for 
multiple root OIDs.
* Improved: TimeTicks setValue from String and extended PDUFactory by 
GETBULK parameter handling.
* Improved: TLS JavaDoc.
* Added: Default target in SnmpURI.

Frank Fock

Maximilian-Kolbe-Str. 10
73257 Koengen, Germany
Phone: +49 7024 8688230
Fax:   +49 7024 8688231

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