[SNMP4J] thread safety on SNMP

Mert Çalışkan mcaliskan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 11:55:47 CET 2016


I’m in  the process of integrating SNMP4J into Payara, which is derived from Glassfish application server, for the notification services mechanism.  
Is it ok to say that an instance of org.snmp4j.Snmp is thread-safe? I’d say it is according to the source but I’d like to verify with the team.  

I see that a SNMP session can be closed, via close(), so I think it’d be good to implement java.io.Closeable in order to provide try-with-resources feature on the SNMP instances.


Mert Çalışkan
Oracle Java Champion
Developer (http://www.t2.com.tr), Lecturer (http://www.cs.hacettepe.edu.tr/kisiler.html), JUG Leader (http://www.ankarajug.org), Author (http://www.amazon.com/author/mert)  

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