SNMP++ questions

Jochen Katz
Mon Feb 11 23:13:35 CET 2002


> I've recently started to increase the number of varbinds in a single get
> request on the assumption that when the Pdu became too large,
> SNMP_ERROR_TOO_BIG would be returned from the 'get' function. However, what I
> find is that although snmp communication takes place between the manager and
> the agent the function eventually returns that it has timed out (even if I set
> a very large timeout value). Is this the expected behaviour and if so is there
> any way it can be modified?

if the agent sends back a valid answer you should never get a timeout.
Could you please enable the _DEBUG switch in the Makefile and send me
the output (with packet dump) for the request?


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