When target address is broadcast address...

Bob Natale Bob.Natale____AppliedSNMP.com
Tue Apr 15 21:13:54 CEST 2003

At 4/13/2003:06:29 PM, Jochen Katz wrote:

Hi Jochen,

>>[short version :-) send out a GET request to a broadcast address,
>>only the first respone is received, all others are dropped]
>this is a known limitation of snmp++.

I personally consider it a natural aspect of SNMP itself.

>With the first response the request is removed from the queue, so
>all other responses are dropped as they cannot be matched to a outstanding request.

Correct...*an* SNMP response should match *an* SNMP request.

>I did a quick hack in snmp++ to allow async get and getnext requests to a broadcast address if SNMP_BROADCAST is enabled in config_snmp_pp.h and Snmp::get[_next]() functions called with true as new last param.

How would you handle secure requests in SNMPv3
in this scenario...(referring to snmpMsgID,
snmpEngineID, and security parameters, for



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