[SNMP4J] Released: AgenPro 2.5.1, SNMP4J 1.7.5, SNMP4J-Agent 1.0

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Wed Sep 6 01:39:32 CEST 2006

I am pleased to announce the release of SNMP4J-Agent 1.0
which is more than AGENT++'s counterpart for the Java world.
Check it out at http://www.snmp4j.org!

AgenPro 2.5.1 has been updated to fix a packaging bug with
the compiler log and its SNMP4J-Agent templates now provide
support for generating simulation agents.


AgenPro 2.5.1 (since 2.5a)

- Fixed: Problem with compiler log display (regression
   due to a packaging bug).
- Added: Simulation agent generation support for
   SNMP4J-Agent 1.0.

SNMP4J 1.7.5 (since 1.7.4)

* Changed: VariableBinding(OID, Variable) now checks OID
   for not being null.
* Fixed: MessageDispatcherImpl.addAuthenticationFailureListener
   did not work.
* Fixed: OctetString.split(OctetString, OctetString).

SNMP4J-Agent 1.0 (since beta 7)

* Changed: Removed MOAccessImpl.setValue(..) to make
   MOAccessImpl immutable.
* Improved: Added MOFactory.createAccess to better support
   aspect oriented approaches of management instrumentation.
* Improved: Added a lot of JavaDoc for core classes.
* Fixed: ProxyForwarderImpl.multipleForward(..) did only
   forward to a single target.
* Added: org.snmp4j.agent.mo.ext package for objects that
   extend the basic functions of a SNMP agent. The first such
   implementation is the SimMOFactory to build simulation
   agents and the corresponding MIB to control them.
* Fixed: Bug in DefaultMOTable.getNextCell did return the
   second-next cell instead of the next when an index of a
   non-existant row before the target row has been specified
* Fixed: DefaultMOTable.prepare did not check column access
   rights for create and write access.
* Fixed: Possible IllegalStateException in
   DefaultMOServer.removeLock because of concurrent object
* Fixed: Restoring values for table rows where the table
   definition has been extended by additional columns between
   last store action and the current restore operation caused
   exceptions when trying to access the new columns later.
* Changed: Removed MOChangeEvent.setOldValue(..) and
* Changed: MOTableIndex removed static methods to create sub-
   index OIDs (replaced by Variable.toSubIndex).
* Changed: MOTableModelEvent.getColumnIndex() now returns -1
   if no column has been associated with the event (was 0).
* Added: AutonomousTypeTC.
* Added: Implementation for RFC 3584 4.3.1(3) in

Frank Fock


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