Attention Everybody ( was: [SNMP4J] thanks for your replies)

Eggers, Henning Henning.Eggers at
Wed May 30 08:21:08 CEST 2007

> Thanks a lot for your replies,

Hi Everybody,
I am trying hard to find the replies Maximilan is talking about but can
only see my own. I am wondering if my company's mail server has
swallowed these for some reason and that is why I do not see them.
But I fear that the replies where in private mail which really would be
a bummer. Is it not the purpose of a mailing list to have everyone
profit from everybody else's knowledge? Is it not simply good manners to
reply to a question the same way it was posed?
So please always hit "Reply To All" when replying to a post in this (or
any other) mailing list so that we all can take part in the discussion.
I may sound self confident in my replies but I am as eager as anybody
else to find out if others have different and even better answers to the
problem that was put on the table.

Keep having fun coding!

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